CHURCH OF GOD BY FAITH is a based in YULEE, FL . Established in July 1990, it operates as an subordinate corporation and contributions to this organization are tax-deductible .
With total assets of $0.00, this ranks 2,591,286 among 2,656,690 nonprofits nationally (Top 98.00%), demonstrating developing financial capacity relative to its peers. At the state level, it stands at 118,856 out of 155,377 organizations in FL (Top 77.00%).
In nassau county, FL, the organization ranks 670 out of 711 nonprofits by assets (Top 95.00%), while locally in yulee, it stands at 112 among 145 organizations (Top 67.00%).
The organization reported no revenue in the most recent filing period, placing it at 1,978,851 nationally and 139,763 in FL.
Within its specific NTEE classification ( - N/A), which includes 781,348 similar organizations, CHURCH OF GOD BY FAITH ranks 625,655 in assets (Top 81.00%) and 714,078 in revenue (Top 92.00%).
The organization files a 990 - Not required to file (church) and operates on a November fiscal year.
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